Monday, December 3, 2012

[Sigh] Here We Go Again...

Another media-type must expound on the evils of guns and what a neaderthalic culture they breed.

Via Andy, over at Ace of Spades HQ:
 If you only read one thing today, make it this post at Doubleplusundead by moronette extraordinaire Alexthechick...
 And, in her own words:
I have an Ex. I have an Ex who, in the process of becoming my Ex, made credible threats to kill me. Why did I believe these threats were credible? Because among the primary reasons why I left him were that he had anger control issues, that he was a problem drinker well on his way to full blown alcoholism and that the things he was throwing at me were getting ever closer to my head. I decided to leave before finally snapped and actually hit me. He was displeased by this and made such displeasure known.
Do you know what kept me safe? Not some piece of paper. Not a judge tut tutting at him and shaking his/her finger and telling him to leave me alone. Not the police, who, after all, would only be able to respond once he had caused me harm. No, what kept me safe was my Glock. What kept me safe was my Glock and the fact that he knew I had both the ability and the will to empty a clip into his chest if he made good on his statements that if I did not come back, I would not see the next week.
Which reminds me of this older post from In Jennifer's Head:
We’ve all spent enough happy afternoons vanquishing paper foes at the range to know that paper doesn’t stop bullets. It doesn’t even alter the course of that ball of lead. All it does is provide us evidence of the shot.  A document to be reviewed in the aftermath.
A restraining order is much the same.  Not only can that piece of paper not stop a bullet, it cannot restrain a person bent on violence. We saw this play out a few days ago in Milwaukee.  That piece of paper required him by law to turn in his firearms, but it’s just paper.
That paper forbade him from contact with his estranged wife, but it’s just paper.
Ace himself adds:
Bob Costas gets around this (he thinks) by suggesting it's not just about the gun, but about "gun culture," a culture, if I'm to understand this correctly, that encourages violent outcomes to personal disputes.
Responsible gun owners certainly don't believe that. Irresponsible gun owners and criminals do, but that's hardly a "gun culture" extending to responsible citizens.
Nevertheless, Bob Costas wants you to know that if you sign on for the cultural preferences of the monied liberal urban elite, we can finally have an end to this whole murder business.
This is an extremely arrogant idea, of course. But is as usually the case, people have the strongest opinions when they have the least actual knowledge.
Ace titled his post Bob Costas, Bien Pensant.

I'm thinking something a little more along the lines of just Dick-Wad.

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