Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A New Addition to the Guns & Hunting Community

It looks like the wonderfully informative and irreverent folks over at Ace of Spades are gearing-up to join the online gun community.

New Feature: Weekly Guns & Hunting Thread

I was going to do this on the weekend, but it looks like there's popular demand, so what the heck.
Here's the overall plan for what this post is going to cover. First, if there's firearms/hunting related news, it'll get featured. Big events like Fast & Furious developments warrant their own posts, obviously, but we'll reference them in the weekly posts as well. This will cross into the political at times, for obvious reasons, but it will always be topical.
 Second, I got the idea to make this a regular feature a couple of weeks ago when we were discussing what gun was in the picture on Dave's Veteran's Day post. The prize went to 'andycanuck', who identified it as a 1916 French 37mm gun. I like gun trivia like this, and I know lots of the Moron Horde does as well, so I thought we'd do a featured gun of the week and either do a poll for a visual identification trivia contest or just do a profile of a historical piece.
 As this is the inaugural thread, throw out other ideas in the comments. Now, on with the show.

They're among my favorite daily blog stops. I highly recommend checking them and, the current poll in the post, out!

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