Thursday, November 22, 2012

How's Your Thanksgiving Going?

Here's some views of Gastineau Channel from my deck this morning. Weather forecast is calling for gusts in excess of 65 mph. That's nothing, up here, when the Taku Winds are blowing...

The seas were probably about 2 feet when I started to download my photos. The wind's picked-up considerably, since, and they're now pushing upwards of 3 & 1/2 to 4 feet. It makes for a good show with all that white water out there.

Where ever you enjoy your turkey day, I hope it's safe and enjoyable. I'm thankful that I have a snug roof, from which to appreciate this show. Don't forget to say a prayer for those folks without a home, this year, thanks to Hurricane Sandy.

From mine to yours, have a happy Thanksgiving!

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