Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Blobsquatch of the Fall

...Wasn't so much a blobsquatch as an Admiralty Island brown bear (ursus arctos).

Okay, the photos came out ridiculously blurry--probably because I was transferring the camera to my left hand while trying to quickly unsnap my revolver holster.

Believe it (or not) that black blob is a 600+ pound brown bear that wandered through our camp at Admiralty Cove, in the Kootznoowoo Wilderness, just outside of Juneau. I stupidly went to try and get a photo of him and wound-up coming less than 40 feet from him. And, HE WAS NOT HAPPY WITH ME! The other thing not seen in the blur, as reported by Fishing Buddy in the After Action Report (and a lot of deserved lecturing about trying to play "Denali Tourist), is that he'd been stomping his feet at me to tell me to "back-off". He eventually backed away from me after Fishing Buddy backed me up with a loaded rifle.

Don't try this at home kids as a bear can cover 40 feet in an eye-blink and I was definitely stupid that day.

Something else that freaked me out is how something so big could move so quietly through the thick brush at the edge of camp.

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