I’m going to do a short series of posts on this topic over the next few days with specific ideas for various communities of gun owners. Whether you’re just some gal who owns guns and finds their “gun community” online, own a commercial gun range or shop, or are a member of a community gun club, I’m going to collect specific actionable, easy ideas for you to think about. Today’s list is for gun shops and commercial gun ranges.And, among them:
If you have room, set up a table with paper, pens, and envelopes – pre-addressed if you really want to make it easy. If there’s a wait, strongly encourage people to sit down and write 3-4 letters – one to their Congressman, their Senators, and (if relevant for state concerns) the Governor. Put out sample language and talking points taped to the table to get them started. Put up a collection box for the completed letters, and eat the cost of a stamp to mail them all. This way you know they make it to the lawmakers.Read the whole thing and also be sure to check out her second post, where she focuses on actions that could be taken at community/non-profit gun clubs.
Offer a discount or freebie of something to people who prove their participation in the issue.
If you already have some kind of points/frequent renter club, give extra points to those who participate in the letter-writing campaign. If you do this, don’t make the reward very small. Make it worth their while.
Post a petition-type letter that opens with something “we the undersigned members of the InsertLocationHere lawful gun owning community” and make a letter that’s pretty focused on the gun issue. Then, leave lots of spaces and pages for people to sign their names and include at least their cities or zip codes. Collect signatures until you fill a sheet (or more sheets) and then mail it in to all of the regional lawmakers.
As I've been trying to scream in comments at other blogs, through emails, or in-person to friends and acquaintances in the gun community, get out there and do something beyond buying your last pre-ban AR or magazines.
And, fair warning to all three of my readers, I'm not yet done!
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