Friday, December 21, 2012

In Which I Feared The Chirping Of Crickets

If reading this, it means that although the predicted apocalypse didn't happen, it sure as hell has been feeling as though it's about to for the gun community.

Hear that; that chirping of crickets? Yeah, probably not. It seems like it's the sound of the only responses I've received from some of my emailing efforts at trying to prod various members of the gun community into something proactive being Please remove me from your mailing list.

That, was the original opening I'd started for this post a couple of days ago. I have to admit that I am genuinely terrified that those might be crickets that could be chirping in what will be the empty fields that used to house our shooting ranges...

Alright, I admit that I proposed something rather intense to a lot of folks at a very sensitive time. Think I got ghoulish and jumped the gun; tried to push too hard and too quick? Perhaps. It's more than very likely as I was reacting with a lot of fear. Did I carry my final point in the recommended ground rules too far? Oh, hell yeah! And, I'm sorry for that part.

I was not trying to generate hits and I sure as hell wasn't expecting everyone to agree with me and jump. I was hoping that people would respond—whether it was to voice agreement, that maybe it's an idea that needs improvement and better tact, or even tell me the idea's wrong or outright sucks. What I was trolling for was reaffirmation that we are all engaged or willing to engage. Maybe I was subconsciously trying to be in control.

I still feel we need to organize something like it but presented less abrasively and with better timing and preparation. With the best intentions I was rather passionate and somewhat misdirected. Throughout my life I've never considered myself an activist and, have even despised many of such ilk. Out of being tired as being portrayed or seen as something a half-step off of villainous by the media, progressives, and ill-informed, I've caught myself becoming an activist of the type I don't care for.

But this is the place that I come to vent my passions and, may hap, express that more abrasive, assertive side of me that doesn't usually manage to come-out in more polite company (and, yes, anything I say here I will say to someone's face). And, I will remain blunt  and say that my activistic side just can't handle and is agitated by the thought of so many of us in the gun community proverbially pounding our chests in the company of our shooting buddies and proclaiming how much it all sucks while doing nothing further. I'll also be blunt that I feel buggered by folks who may run out to get that last AR or high-capacity mag before the ban's enacted but won't write his/her congress critter or otherwise rally the troops beyond more bitch sessions within our own company. I've seen too many do it in the past and we are so much better and capable than this.

Since I've already put my foot in my mouth all the way up to my ankle, I may as well keep gnawing up to my knee. Here's another concern that I need to express:
This time around, we can't hide behind the shields of the admirable efforts of groups like the NRA and Second Amendment Foundation.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I've been an NRA Life Member for a long time and just became a Defenders Club member of the SAF; however, the press and progs have maintained a brutal and effective publicity war of attrition to convince many of the less-than-informed of the villainy of these organizations. Again, we do need to keep our support flowing. I just can't shake the feeling that this time we will swarm outside the protection of the shield wall and win our cause through grass-roots efforts.

As I've been saying here and, out in the comments to posts at other members of the gun blogging community, we really need to show that we are substantial and respectable members of our communities and the constituencies of our legislators.

Despite my persistent gloom, there is some good news in the middle of this. But, because of my persistent gloom (I lived 23 years under Massachusetts gun laws before coming to Alaska), I'll leave off with this thought: a lot of conservative pundits and voters thought Romney would beat Obama. We may have a stronger tide in our favor than initially believed but we can't rely on that.

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