Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Okay, Tell Me Something I Didn't Already Know!

From a big old headline over at Drudge, which just ruined my lunch:

White House: Obama would support new gun laws

I know I may have jumped the Ghoul's Bandwagon early with these posts; however, we're really blind if we thought it might not happen and that we've already won the argument.

We're also idiots if we focus only on buying every AR, handgun, high-capacity mag, etc, that we can get our hands on before the next round of bans and/or registration probably goes into effect while expecting the NRA to step-up its efforts on our behalf and win the day.

Maintaining our 2nd Amendment rights won't be won by the admirable efforts of nebulous lobbying and sportmen's groups, folks, no matter how strong and effective they are. I'll continue to write, say, and even scream this until President Obama pounds the final nail in this coffin:

It'll be won by our standing-up, being seen, being heard, and openly demonstrating that we are a respectable and significant portion of the population that will not be ignored.

I've been trying to get a couple posts and email pleas out and so far all I'm getting back are the cricket-chirps of "Please Remove Me From This Mailing List."

Communities have gotta be actively maintained. Do Something! Pass along ideas and open the discussions.

Okay, I've got my abrasive inner-a-hole vented for at least a few moments...

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