Monday, September 29, 2014

Ex-Pat's Pats 2014: Week 4

Per game Guinness warm-up at the watering hole is underway. Just had the fun of renewing my drivers license and waiting for Fishing Buddy to show-up. 

Hope the offensive line gives Brady better coverage this game...

Update: Aaaannnnddd wasn't that just a lovely 3 and out for 1st possession. 

Update: Pats should be the next Pipe as they look pretty holey. I have real attitude about "touchdowns" where ball just barely touches the line...

Update:  and we have a fist 1st down, only to wind-up taking TO on 3rd and 4...

That last run could be seen from a mile away and we're left punting again :(

Update: 14-0. There is not enough Guiness at the watering hole to cover this. Serious: the "younger/cheaper Patriot Way" is leaving too many holes. Where's Msnkins?

Update: Seriously, WTF?! Brady's a half yard off making 1st down and throws it???!!!! As Fishing Xbuddy just commented, he could've fallen and made 1st down...

Halftime: (sorry Captain Puffin) so far,  this game is indicating that the 2014 Pats are good at barely beating bad teams. 

Start 2nd Half: aaaaaannnndddd, woo-hop! We're back to looking like the Pats in the early 1990s!  I'm so so glad we no longer have Logan Mankins on the line and defense can disrupt Brady at will [sarcasm]!

Turnover: I'm speechless. 

Turnover 2: did Brady overthrow or Edelman stop short? Still Edelman comes through on the tackle and proves worth. Time to trade him for someone younger and cheaper...

Postgame (yeah, I actually left the bar early): that game was not worth the $40 I blew in booze tonight.

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